The province of Tshopo is a forest region with an essentially agro-pastoral vocation even if it has mining sites. It should capitalize on its forestry and agro-pastoral potential, its immense renewable energy resources, its dynamic and diversified human capital to ensure its development. To this end, it cannot do without a land use plan and local TA plans. A TA scheme is a kind of compass that guides the action to develop the territory in the long, very long term. This exercise is intended to be participatory, iterative and cyclical. It requires backtracking at regular intervals to gauge how far you've come and reframe shots, if they fail. The province of Tshopo is a vast project that requires mobilization in all directions, reliable and functional institutions, far-sighted leadership and unrelenting vigilance, in order to materialize, to give life to the provincial scheme of TA, like by Pygmalion. But where to start when everything is to be done? We must already establish priorities and give ourselves a discipline and a working method.